How to buy an apartment in Japan as a foreigner?If you plan to settle down in Japan, it worths considering to buy your own apartment. However, living in Japan per se sometimes is not as…Feb 28, 2021Feb 28, 2021
How to apply for Permanent Residency of JapanIf you’d like to read the Chinese version of this article, please check this one: 申請日本永住權流程.Dec 26, 2020Dec 26, 2020
Be the lord of your own wayJoshua is my best friend from the university, who I’ve learned tons of those cool kids shit from. This guy proposed to his current wife…Apr 29, 2020Apr 29, 2020
Implement your own runtime systemThe company (Mercari) I’m working for just finished the hack week event and within this week, you can take whatever technical challenges…Mar 28, 2020Mar 28, 2020
申請日本永住權流程我為了申請日本永住許可,花了大約兩個月的時間蒐集需要的文件,網路上比較多申請資格相關的文章,找不到該怎麼集齊文件的教學,所以我想分享各項文件我是怎麼取得的,希望對之後想申請的人有幫助。Dec 26, 20192Dec 26, 20192
Manage the cost of JavascriptToday I’m gonna share how to manage the cost of Javascript. I divided into five parts as below:Dec 9, 2018Dec 9, 2018